
Podcasting is a powerful tool for business owners to build brand awareness, establish thought leadership, and create loyal audiences. Here's some articles that may help you develop an audio strategy that will benefit your business.


Overhead view of Elena Kersey sat at desk with laptop and recording equipment.

There are already a lot of AI tools that help simplify podcasting for brands or marketers who, let’s face it, already have a lot on their plates.  Descript is great for editing video and audio in a way that is extremely intuitive for people who are not sound engineers (although it does take some time to work your way around the system) and there are numerous transcription services out there to provide you with ready-made podcast transcripts (we love CoHost’s integrated transcriptions).


Will AI tools be able to create editing so seamless that every marketing department will be able to create them?  Will I be out of a job?


I asked the tool that would probably be able to answer this question the best: Chat GPT.  This is what it told me:


AI has the potential to improve podcasting in several ways, including:

  1. Content discovery: AI-powered recommendation systems can help listeners discover new podcasts based on their interests, listening history, and social behavior. This can improve the discoverability of niche and independent podcasts that might otherwise be difficult to find.
  2. Transcription and captioning: AI can transcribe audio content into text quickly and accurately, making it more accessible to a wider audience. Captioning audio content can also improve the user experience for viewers who are hard of hearing or in noisy environments.
  3. Editing and production: AI-powered tools can assist with audio editing and production, making the process faster and more efficient. For example, AI can automatically remove background noise, balance audio levels, and even suggest music and sound effects to enhance the podcast.
  4. Personalization: AI can personalize podcast content to individual listeners, tailoring the content to their preferences and behavior. This can include adjusting the length of the podcast, changing the order of segments, or even creating custom content based on the listener’s interests.
  5. Analytics: AI can help podcasters analyze listener behavior and preferences, providing insights that can inform content creation and marketing strategies. This can include information on listener demographics, listening habits, and engagement metrics.

Overall, AI has the potential to transform podcasting by improving discoverability, accessibility, production efficiency, and personalization. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect even more innovative applications in the podcasting industry.

Discovery and Personalisation

I was most interested in Chat GPT’s “thoughts” on how AI can improve discovery and personalisation of podcast content.  These are two areas with a lot of room for innovation.  Word of mouth remains the main avenue through which listeners discover new podcasts, despite players like Spotify, YouTube and Apple working hard to remedy this.  Spotify purchased Podz in 2021 which provides an ‘audio newsfeed’ – 60 second audio clips which listeners could scroll through similarly to an instagram feed.  However since Spotify began testing the product in its app a year ago, there’s been no breakthroughs.

Where personalisation is concerned, my bet is that this will focus more on personalisation across your listening devices and services rather than adjusting podcast length to fit your preferences.  Instead, podcast players will be able to provide a seamless experience from your phone, to your car, to your smart speaker.  It will also recommend podcasts based on time of day and your usual routine.  Twenty minute commute each morning? Here’s a selection of your favourite 20 minute news podcasts.

Improved discoverability and listener experiences are only going to help podcasting grow and give brands and thought leaders better ways to engage with their audiences.  And if AI tools are at the helm of this, perhaps it will speed up the development of really intuitive solutions to these problems.

The end of the road for podcast producers?

Thankfully, I needn’t worry that AI is coming for my job.  I asked Chat GPT that specifically, and it made it clear that it is only here to help:


It is unlikely that AI will completely replace podcast producers in the near future. While AI has the potential to automate some aspects of the podcast production process, such as editing and post-production tasks, it cannot replace the creative and human-driven aspects of podcast production, such as content creation, storytelling, and guest interviews.

Podcast production is a complex process that involves a range of skills and expertise, from audio engineering and content creation to marketing and distribution. While AI can assist with some of these tasks, it cannot replace the creative and strategic thinking that is required to produce a successful podcast.

Furthermore, podcasting is a deeply personal medium, and listeners often connect with podcasts on a personal level because of the human touch and authentic voice of the host or guests. AI may be able to assist with some production tasks, but it cannot replicate the human touch and connection that is essential to the success of a podcast.

In summary, while AI can certainly play a role in improving and streamlining some aspects of podcast production, it is unlikely to replace the role of podcast producers in the near future.



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Elena Kersey recording in studio with pop filter in front of microphone and one hand on headphones

Elena Kersey

Elena is a lawyer turned content professional and a mother of boys. She has over a decade of experience in giving audiences stories they love across TV, audio and digital spaces and has worked with HBO Asia, Disney, Youtube, and Audible.

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